The Whistler – Legacy of Death. ep40, 430214

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It was ten years ago that Henry married Martha. Now in critical health, Martha leaves her desires for their daughter to be raised, and cared for. More time goes by, and Dorene has second thoughts about the man she is to marry. Has her behavior changed in the recent days? Is it an inherited disease that has lain dormant all these years that has begun to bother her? <br> Irving agrees to leave Dorene alone for her health, but later Clyde visits from Hollywood. Will Clyde be smitten by the red haired, green eyed daughter? Will she be just as smitten? But Clyde is already spoken for. Can Henry reason with Dorene, and talk her out of either suitor? Will it do to keep Dorene from love or being overly emotional, to keep her inherited tendency to murder under control? <br> In the morning, the inevitable happens, a body is found. Dorene seems the likely killer, but Irving confesses. Is it a cover up? There was a switch in rooms, and suddenly even Henry is a suspect. How will the cops figure it out with three suspects, each with the opportunity and motive for killing? The Whistler knows a few twists about psychic ability and emotional distress that’s sure to bring justice. <br> <br>