Richard Diamond – Gray Man. ep85, 510216

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Returning to his office, Dick Diamond encounters a man with a case. He’s looking for a man named Louis Carnes, and he needs him in 5 hours. Why does Carnes need to be found? Why the time limit? Who cares, it’s worth $500 up front, and twice that once the job is done. The voice of reason ought to warn Dick Diamond off the case, but it doesn’t. <br> Police detective, Walter, is brought in to learn about the unusual man who came calling. Roger Vegas is a huge man with a nasty gray complexion. It isn’t hard to figure out that some sort of poisoning is involved, and the gray man is out for revenge at the attempt on his life. <br> His investigation leads Richard to the college campus to learn what kind of debt is to be paid back. What does Prof Carnes sister know of his disappearance? <br> Being the good detective, Diamond finds his man, now all that remains is to contact Vegas. What kind of fireworks might arise? Walter has some news on the gray complected Vegas, and how he got that way. The case becomes a race against time to prevent a murder, but who is going to die? A tale of blackmail and jealousy emerges as a motive, but no reason is worth killing some one. <br> Note: Arthur Q Brian is Walter. Dick Powell is Richard Diamond. <br> <br>