Lum and Abner – The Stuffed Owl Disappears. 440509

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Boxes of exhibits keep arriving from Tennessee. Abner is beginning to be put out by all the new antiques that arrive… if there is such a thing as a new antique. He doesn’t think the artifacts are as noble, or old as Lum wants to believe. If only they had a suit of armor, or an old fossil to stand in the corner. <br> At the term, old fossil, Abner thinks Lum wants to hire grandpap to stand in the corner. That’s just the kind of job the old gent would like. Standing around, doing nothing, and get paid for it. Doesn’t the descriptions Lum uses to describe a fossil also apply to grandpap? <br> As Lum encourages Abner to get back to work, and stop trying to hire grandpap, he notices a problem. Did someone steal their valuable exhibit of the stuffed owl? Was it a gang of museum robbers? Lum figures it was a big gang, toting firearms. The owl is found, and the gents get amused at how the other over reacts to things. <br> Notable Quote: Abner. It ain’t every day you find a freak like grandpap. <br> <br>