Wardruna: Nordic Folk Music of the Ancients, Rooted in Nature

Soundcheck show

Summary: <p>Norwegian band Wardruna creates music born of Nordic history, Norse runes and nature - and is led by multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Einar Selvik, who currently composes music for the TV series <em>Vikings</em>. (He was formerly the drummer in the black metal band <a href="http://www.gorgoroth.info/" target="_blank">Gorgoroth</a> under stage name Kvitrafn, <a href="https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Wardruna/3540272417" target="_blank">for those keeping track</a>.) </p> <p>Hear a captivating combination of old and recreated Norse historical instruments: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talharpa" target="_blank">Tagelharpa</a> (bowed harp-lyre), <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birch_trumpet" target="_blank">birchbark lure</a> (a trumpet), goat horns), <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6EIUDBWAAA7a-7.jpg" target="_blank">Kraviklyra</a>, instruments from nature: stones, bones, trees, fire and ice, along with sounds captured in nature, vocal techniques of many kinds, and ancient poetry. The latest record, <em>Runaljod – Ragnarok,</em> is the third of a trilogy of musical interpretations of each of the twenty-four old Nordic runes (the word rune can also mean magical song). Wardruna performs some of their unusual, spiritual, ancient sounding-modern ritual music in the studio. </p> <p>Set list: </p> <ul> Wunjo Isa Helvegen </ul>