In Sales, More Calls is NOT Always the Answer

Top Secrets of Marketing & Sales show

Summary: "Sales is a numbers game," they said. "Make more calls and you'll make more money," they said. "Keep smilin' and dialin'," they said.<br> <br> They said a lot of things, but who are they, anyway?<br> <br> <br> Is sales truly a numbers game? If you make more calls, will it always increase your sales?<br> Here's my take on it. Yes, sales IS a numbers game, but it is a SMART numbers game. This means that more calls are NOT always the answer. For example, here are three times when calling more people is NOT the answer:<br> <br> 1. When you say the wrong things. Some salespeople were never adequately trained on what to say and what NOT to say... let alone how to say it. When salespeople like this get on the phone with live prospects, more calls are NOT the answer. Instead, they are detrimental. The more calls they make, the more prospects they have the potential to alienate. Not ideal.<br> <br> 2. When you target the wrong businesses. Face it, each business is different. They are not all equal. Some have a lot of money. Some have a little. And some have debt up to their eyeballs. Sell to a company like that, and good luck getting paid! When you make more calls to the wrong businesses, you don't just waste your time, you may do more harm than good.<br> <br> 3. When you approach the wrong people. Some salespeople do a terrible job of targeting. As a result, they reach the wrong people. Maybe it's not their fault. Maybe it's like in the movie Glen Garry Glen Ross. "The leads are weak." In any event, if you call the wrong people, in the wrong companies, and the wrong departments at the wrong time... if you approach those with no need, no desire, no money, no budget, and no ability to pay, then no amount of additional calls will improve your results.<br> <br> So does this mean you should use it as an excuse not to make calls, hang up your phone, and go home?<br> No. It means you should start dialing smarter instead of just faster.<br> For brand new promotional distributors we have a training program called Getting Started. If you're new to the industry and you have not taken this training or something as thorough, then I can virtually guarantee you are leaving money on the table, running the risk of alienating clients and losing business. You can get details on that program at <a href=""></a><br> <br> If you're already established in the industry and just need help bringing in new business like clockwork, we have a tested, proven six-step process for doing just that. It's called Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition and promotional products professionals across the country and around the world prove that it works, time and time again. You can test-drive it in your business, risk-free for one full year. For details, go to <a href=""></a>.<br> <br> Check out one of those links. Order Getting Started or Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition or both and put them to work in your business for one full year. If it doesn't make or save you at least ten times its cost in increased sales or bottom-line savings, I don't want you to keep it. Just request a full refund. We have offered this guarantee on our training products since 1998, so if the program didn't work, we would have gone out of business long ago.<br> Improve your sales. Make your numbers game smarter. Look beyond "more calls."<br> Don't make another worthless phone call. Instead, visit our website or call 1-800-494-2721 right now, this very moment. Put these proven customer-getting resources to work immediately.<br> <br> So order Top Secrets of Customer Acquisition now, and I'll send you an instant gratification bonus!<br> <br> Instant gratification. It sounds naughty, but actually, it's nice!<br> <br> You get instant access to the complete customer acquisition overview,