Sabir Zazai – the dividing power of numbers and the connecting power of stories.

Refugee Voices Scotland show

Summary: Welcome to the Refugee Voices Scotland podcast. In this podcast, I talk to Sabir Zazai, the new Chief Executive of the <br> <br> <br> <br> Scottish Refugee Council <br> <br> (SRC), who on 18 December 1999, then 23, arrived in Britain as a refugee from Afghanistan. When I spoke to Sabir, he was in his fourth week at SRC and Sabir talked about the importance of family to refugees, the impact of refugees on both communities and business, the dividing power of numbers and the connecting people of stories.<br> <br> I am sure you will agree that was a truly memorable interview with a humble and inspiring man. <br> <br> You can follow Sabir on twitter <a href="">@sabir_zazai </a>and follow the Scottish Refugee Council on twitter <a href="">@scotrefcouncil </a>.<br> <br> The Scottish Refugee Council was started in 1985 and over the last 32 years has worked to ensure that all refugees in Scotland are treated fairly, with dignity and that their human rights are respected. SRC is an independent charity and it provides essential information and advice to people seeking asylum and refuge in Scotland. They also campaign for political change, raising awareness about issues that affect refugees; and they work closely with local communities and organisations. <br> <br> If you are listening to this podcast in the week beginning 23rd October 2017 this is a cup of tea with a refugee week when community groups across Scotland hold Cup of Tea with a Refugee events where we sit down with the refugees in our community and have a good chat over a cup of tea. There is still time to host your own event and find out what it's like to be a refugee living in Scotland. Visit <a href=""></a>  download the event pack and dig out some extra cup.<br> <br> Find out more about what’s happening in Scotland to support refugees, volunteer and get involved. Visit the Scottish Refugee Council website <a href=""></a> . <br> <br> Thank you again to Sabir Zazai and the Scottish Refugee Council team for making this podcast possible.<br> <br> If you want to tell us your refugee story or want to find out more about what we do, get in touch with us through <a href="">twitter</a>, <a href="">facebook</a> or by emailing us on <a href=""></a> .<br> <br> In the next episode, I talk to a Syrian refugee who will shortly be playing a key role in our community and who, when I ran out of questions, asks me some really difficult ones. <br> <br> Don't miss an episode by subscribing to our podcast <a href="">here</a>.