The whole world is as small as a ball in the hand

Refugee Voices Scotland show

Summary: <br> <br> In this podcast, I talk to Dr Ahmad Subeh a doctor from Syria who is taking part in the Refugee Doctors programme, which is funded by the Scottish Government.<br> <br> The Refugee Doctors programme in Scotland is unique in the UK. It supports medically trained and qualified refugees to achieve medical registration and in return to contribute their skills to NHS Scotland.<br> <br> <br> <br> You can find more details on the Refugee Doctors Programme in Scotland <a href="">here</a>. <br> <br> We would like to offer huge thanks to Tallat Haq from the Al-Khair foundation in Glasgow for making this interview possible. <br> <br> The Al-Khair Foundation is a UK-based international NGO providing humanitarian support, international development, emergency aid and disaster relief in some of the world’s most deprived areas. It also tackles issues such as unemployment, education, women’s empowerment and domestic violence. <br> <br> The Glasgow office of Al_Khair Foundation is in Victoria Road right across the road from The Milk Cafe, featured in <a href="">episode 2</a> of this podcast. Find out how you can support the al-Khair foundation by visiting their website at <a href=""></a> and you can follow them on twitter <a href="">@AKF_Social</a><br> <br> Huge thanks to Dr Subeh for giving us some of his time. This interview was recorded in the summer of 2017. We look forward to hearing more about his new medical career in Scotland. <br> <br> If you have a refugee story or project and want to be featured in a future podcast, get in touch with us through <a href="">t</a>witter @refvoicesscot , find us on facebook or by emailing us on <a href=""> .</a><br> <br>  <br> <br> Our next episode is coming soon! Make sure you don’t miss an episode by subscribing to our podcast <a href="">here</a>.