Ep 045 // The Worst Feedback I've Ever Received (& How I'm Handling It)

Courage & Clarity show

Summary: <p>Okay friends, buckle up &amp; grab your cup of coffee (orrrrr somethin' stronger) -- today it's getting real. </p><p>I'm talking about the worst feedback I've gotten about this podcast so far. And guys, I won't lie -- that sh*t hurts!</p> <pre><code> &lt;img class="thumb-image" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586c0773ebbd1a367d451544/t/597565bedb29d6a05c62298f/1500866002618/" data-image-dimensions="726x718" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="597565bedb29d6a05c62298f" data-type="image" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586c0773ebbd1a367d451544/t/597565bedb29d6a05c62298f/1500866002618/?format=1000w" /&gt; </code></pre> <p>So when you have a podcast, this thing happens where you notice you've got a new iTunes review. You think, <em>oh my gosh, another review! I can't wait to read it....</em></p><p>So I raced over to iTunes... <strong>but in this particular case, what I found made my stomach drop. </strong></p><h3>It wasn't positive. It wasn't flattering. In fact, it was anything but. And damn it, it did NOT make me feel good. </h3><p> </p><p>My initial reaction was to point fingers, call names, blame others, turn my feelings off and mark this firmly under the heading of "haters gonna hate". </p><p>But I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I started talking to my inner circle about it. </p><p>I realized no one is talking about this. At least, not in the specific "I'm not afraid to read my negative review on a podcast" sort of way. </p><p>I want to bring this to light so we can learn from it. So today, I am doing just that.</p><p>Today, I am reading the worst review I've ever received on the podcast airwaves for you. </p><p>Not because I need you to reassure me (though y'all are sweet, and I love you!) Not because I need to prove anything. </p><p>I'm doing it because: 1. You've been here and you need solidarity or 2. You haven't been here yet but you are terrified of the dreaded negative feedback. </p><p>So, in this podcast you'll hear: </p><ul> <li>Me reading, word for word, the worst review I've received so far. Ouch. </li> <li>How to decipher mean feedback from negative (or constructive) criticism </li> <li>3 strategies for dealing with negative feedback, and growing from it! </li> <li>How to re-frame feedback &amp; turn it into momentum, even when it freakin' hurts </li> <li>Why I'm not subscribing to the "haters gonna hate!" mentality, even though I reeeeally want to sometimes!</li> </ul><p>*And hey, by the way? About 40 of you have left seriously amazing iTunes reviews -- and many more of you have reached out via email, Instagram, Facebook &amp; more. This one negative review doesn't take any of that away. I love y'all more than you will EVER know. </p>