128 | Gala Darling on Style Tips, Relationship Advice, Radical Self-Love, Her Body Image Secret, + More!


Summary: I've been following Gala Darling for a while now and having her on my podcast had been on my guest goal list for years. Finally, in this episode we made it happen and the conversation does not disappoint. Gala is constantly raw, real, and so completely herself in everything she does. It's contagious just by being around her being so at peace with who she is makes me feel like I want to remove any masks I might still be wearing and fully be myself out in the world no mater how unique. I got to meet Gala in person last summer at Kripalu and she was exactly who she seems online in person which is always refreshing. This conversation is super tangential covering buckets of topics from radical self-love, her body image secret, style & fashion tips, relationship advice, and blogging insight. I know you'll love her and this conversation as much as I did. Keep in touch with Gala and I on social media and let us know what you thought of our episode.