139 | Natlaie Macneil on Her Morning Mindset Secrets, Tools to Stay Balanced in Life & Work, Creative Business Planning + More!


Summary: We've got another repeat guest this week. I love reconnecting with people I originally spoke with years ago to see how much has changed and grown for them. Today Natalie MacNeil is back on the pod to catch up and share some of her secrets to her super success since the last time she was on the show. We talk about everything from her current productivity centered morning routine, to business management tools, to mindfulness tools she uses each day. AND since I've last spoken to her in episode #44 she has written two new books and created this free program all centered around creative business planning and putting your goals and dreams into action (in a fun way). I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I enjoyed recording it. And if you do decide to join the Business Accelerator Program let us know in the Facebook Group.