Frédéric Hambye - OSE (ENG: 25/02/2015)

Hrmeetup show

Summary: Meditation for Business, an approach that has already convinced several CEO. - On the mic, Frédéric Hambye presents his vision of well-being within companies. Frédéric speaks about the reasonable distance to relativize stressful situations, agility of mind, clear vision on our own actions, mental representation up to accommodate more easily what suits us and not trying to systematically remove what does not suit us. Meditation serving businesses and workers, a technique that gives results, Frédéric Hambye is convinced about this and speaks with passion. - Read more: - Website: or - You can support our project by a "Like" of our Facebook page (, or in following us via Linkedin (, Twitter, Soundcloud, Google+, Pinterest...Thx a lot! - Sponsor HRmeetup: Talentsquare.