Is apologetics a dead end? Sean McDowell & Myron B Penner

Unbelievable show

Summary: <p>Myron B Penner wrote 'The End of Apologetics: Christian witness in a postmodern context'. He argues that rational defence of the Christian faith can become a form of idolatry and that modern believers need to rethink their relationship with apologetics.</p><br> <p>Myron engages with Sean McDowell who with his father Josh has written an updated version of the classic apologetics book 'Evidence That Demands a Verdict'. They discuss the benefits and limits of apologetics and why Myron wrote a book critiquing the whole area.</p><br> <p>For Sean McDowell: <a href=""></a></p><br> <p>For Evidence That Demands a Verdict: <a href=""></a> </p><br> <p>For Myron B Penner: <a href=""></a></p><br> <p>Get signed copies of Unbelievable? the book and audiobook: <a href=""></a> </p><br> <p>Get Unbelievable? the Conference 2017 DVD/CD &amp; Digital Download: <a href=""></a> </p><br> <p>For more faith debates visit <a href=""></a></p><br> <p>Join the conversation: <a href="">Facebook</a> and <a href="">Twitter</a></p><br> <p>Get the MP3 Podcast of Unbelievable? Via <a href="">RSS</a> or Via <a href="">iTunes</a></p><br> <p> </p>