America's Next Civil War

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: I think in a lot of ways there's already a civil war going on in this country. It's not being be fought with rifles and armies but there is absolutely an ideological war going on in this country. If you look at the goals of the socialist wing of the democrat party. If you look at their agenda, how they're trying to implement it and how there marching this country toward socialism. If you look at that and consider the number of people in this country who still believe in the constitution, still believe in the American values of personal liberty and freedom. There's a total difference in ideology. It's very black and white with not much gray And, we're left with this constant fighting instead of any focus on real solutions. When you look at people's opinions on ALL the major issues there is a complete difference of opinion and the split is right down the middle 50/50. One small shift is all it takes to see a massive change in policy. Some of these policies would have a major impact on the country and our way of life. I put the issues in 2 categories. The first is cultural issues, abortion, gun rights stuff like that. The second is fiscal issues like taxes, the size of government, health care Personally I wish the government would pretty much stay completely out of cultural issues and have very very limited involvement in fiscal issues. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: