100,000 Followers: How To Get More Followers On Twitter with Mike Kawula

Sure Oak: Digital Marketing, SEO, Online Business Strategy, & More show

Summary: <br> <br> <a href="https://mikekawula.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn more about Mike Kawula</a><br> How to reach out to Mike:<br> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelkawula/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/mikekawula" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> <a href="http://mikekawula.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> <br> How do you get over 100,000 Twitter followers?<br> Mike Kawula sat down with us to tell us how. <a href="https://twitter.com/mikekawula?lang=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Check out his Twitter profile here</a> with 100k+ followers.<br> As CEO of Social Quant, Mike understands how to use Twitter’s features to grow a following. While it’s a number game, relevancy and strategy are still crucial.<br> Social Listening And ROI<br> Mike first found success on Twitter by simply doing social listening. In 2008, big companies were not paying attention to customer’s feedback and complaints online. This gap created a huge opportunity.<br> Mike and his growing office supply store would listen to potential customer’s complaints. By responding at the right time, they won big business. One quick response to a frustrated customer’s tweet at a competitor resulted in a $27,000 contract.<br> Social listening <a href="/insights/invest-seo-roi" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">provides big ROI</a> to small businesses. Twitter offers a free platform to engage and connect with potential customers. Growing your followers is not just a numbers game, but needs a strategy to ensure that you’re connecting with your target audience.<br> Four Tasks To Build Your Followers<br> Mike explains there are four key tasks to grow your followers:<br> <br> * Optimize your profile<br> * Have a follow strategy<br> * Share quality content<br> * Engaging with people<br> <br> During the episode, Mike breaks down each of these tasks into manageable, action-oriented items.<br> Optimizing Your Twitter Profile<br> Your profile will determine whether or not someone follows you back, so it has to be great. Mike advises it takes less an hour to implement these 5 profile improvements:<br> 1. Have a great Twitter cover:<br> Think of it like a highway billboard. Within a second, the viewer should understand what you do. This information allows them to make an informed decision to follow you or not.<br> 2. Very good profile picture<br> “We don’t do business with logos.” Have a current, personal photo as your profile picture rather than a logo.<br> 3. Create a compelling bio<br> Perhaps it’s counter-intuitive, but Mike says, “never put a hashtag in your bio.” Your bio is searchable and can <a href="/insights/seo-ranking-factors-podcast" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">rank on Google</a>, so it’s important to have keywords, not hashtags. Keep it engaging and educational, but <a href="/insights/keyword-analysis-optimization-podcast" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">with keywords in mind</a>.<br> 4. Link to your website<br> Obviously.<br> 5. Pinned tweet<br> Your Pinned Tweet should speak to the potential follower’s pain point. Offer them something that is relevant to your business and will solve their problem.<br> Have A Follow Strategy<br> “If you want to grow your Twitter account, that’s the fastest way to get followers and the fastest way to get ROI.”<br> A Follow Strategy is essential to gaining the right followers to your brand. Many people don’t like to admit they do it, but Mike explains that all successful brands use one.<br> It is essentially composed of following relevant accounts, and if they don’t follow back, unfollow them. If you’re following people truly relevant to your industry, a minimum of 10% will follow you back.<br> Not sure where to look?<br> Mike offers a quick, repeatable tactic using the Live tweets feature.