Cyrus Shepard: Quality SEO for Long-Term Value Over Short-Term Gains

Sure Oak: Digital Marketing, SEO, Online Business Strategy, & More show

Summary: <br> <br> How to reach out to Cyrus Shepard:<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> <br> The rules of the SEO game seem to be always changing.<br> <a href="/seo-tools/seo-checker-analysis-tool" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">To understand how to rank higher</a>, no matter the algorithm, we sat down with Cyrus Shepard. He has seen SEO evolve over nearly a decade and ran in-house SEO for the industry leader, Moz.<br> He shares with us his strategies to understand <a href="/insights/google-algorithm-updates-podcast" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Google’s black-box algorithms</a>, do more with existing backlinks, manage client expectations and more.<br> Guiding SEO Principles<br> SEO can be thought of as full of tricks and algorithms, but Cyrus’s main principles are straightforward:<br> <br> * Long-term value over short-term gain<br> * Create quality content<br> <br> “Think of your audience first, always,” says Cyrus Shepard. “Google is getting better and better at looking at audience signals and engagement signals”<br> Therefore, if you are writing consistently creating valuable, quality content, you will at least earn back a little bit of success in SEO. For whatever content you create, do the best that you can do.<br> “When we’re creating content, I like to create things that people can steal, and want to steal.” If people are stealing it, you are creating value and therefore will naturally <a href="/insights/link-building-strategy" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">earn backlinks</a> and <a href="/insights/seo-ranking-factors-podcast">improve your ranking</a>.<br> Is SEO Valuable?<br> Yet, those algorithms are important. “You can build the most perfect piece of content but Google won’t find it because they aren’t perfect,” states Cyrus Shepard.<br> He hates when people say SEOs aren’t necessary. The algorithm mimics user signals, but SEOs ensure that content and websites are algorithm-ready.<br> There are basic back-end tasks such as data structure and <a href="/seo-tools/seo-website-crawler-tool" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ensuring it's crawlable</a>. There is also a lot of experimentation involved in SEOs expertise.<br> “The Crushing Inadequacy of Best Practices”<br> Cyrus reflects on the early days of SEO. In 2009, everyone followed the same “Web Developer's SEO cheat sheet”. That was enough to win lots of clients.<br> But SEO has evolved.<br> “A lot of people have this perception today that SEO is a scam because best practices are easy.” But those best practices are now out of date and not enough to rank.<br> SEOs are continuously experimenting to determine which <a href="/insights/seo-ranking-factors-podcast" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">strategies and techniques</a> provide results. These results depend on the latest algorithm and the vertical. See how your site is ranking today with <a href="/seo-tools/seo-checker-analysis-tool" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Sure Oak's free SEO Analysis Tool</a>.<br> Test, Test, And Test Some More<br> “Some people think of SEO as one and done. But it never ends, you can always make improvements.”<br> More and more, Google is a black box. Ranking factors are developed through machine learning, leaving less direct information for marketers. The only way to really discover how to <a href="/seo-tools/keyword-rank-checker" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">rank higher</a> is through experimentation.<br> Given testing is an essential part of <a href="/insights/seo-business-success">SEO success</a>, Cyrus advises to get a better understanding of:<br> <br> * Statistics<br> * Significance<br>