Zach Horvath - Live A Great Story

The Creative Leap show

Summary: What would you do if you woke up one day to find that something you had said was inspiring thousands of people to radically change the way they live? If your quote, put up on the side of a wall, was the inspiration someone need to live more adventurously, courageously, generosity and passionately? That’s the story of Zach Horvath, founder of Live A Great Story.  Live A Great Story, is a diverse community focused on inspiring people to craft their own journey and create meaningful impact. They highlight inspiring stories, foster connection through engaging events, and sell Reminder products that spark inspiration. It all started with one, challenging reminder: “Live A Great Story.” A quote that Zach “installed," as he would lovingly say, on a wall in Austin Texas. Before he knew it, that wall was trending on social media. Then it appeared on more walls. Then it was on stickers. Today, it’s on all kinds of merchandise, being spread by thousands of passionate advocates and inspiring extraordinary stories of community and courage all over the world. None of this, was part of the plan. With his own personal reminder, growing into something he could have never envisioned, Zach chose to step in leadership of his movement. Zach lead’s the "Live" community in such a way that continuously puts the ownership back on us: all of us to be the vehicle that drives this idea forward, together.