Seven Tips to Help Prepare for Your Job Search – Work in Sports Podcast e024

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: Getting Ready to Hit the Job Market? Here are Seven Things You Need to do First.<br> Our fan question this week come in from Pam in Florida:<br> <br> I’m getting ready to start my job search in preparation for graduating in the spring …what should I start doing now to set myself up to be ready in a few months.<br> <br> Great question Pam, I have seven things you should do to get ready for you job search, so get your pencil ready. The good thing is these tips aren't just for sports people, this is for anyone looking to embark on a new career, or get started after graduation or thinking about getting your name out there.<br> <br> Let's start with...<br> <br> 1: Updating Your Social Media Profiles<br> <br> The first thing any hiring manager does after they’ve determined you have the skills they are looking for, is to check your online accounts to learn more about who you are.<a href=""></a><br> <br> Update your LinkedIn with your professional data, but also make sure your twitter timeline doesn't have a bunch of insensitive posts or things that can be misconstrued. Hiring managers will get a feel for your cultural fit based on the way you represent yourself in social.<br> <br> 2:   Contact All Of Your References<br> <br> Make sure you have everyone's correct contact information now, before you start looking for work. You don't want to be left scrambling later.<br> <br> 3:  Explore Your Weaknesses<br> <br> With so many online courses and Youtube video tutorials, you always have time to pick up a new skill. If there is a missing skill on your resume, make a plan to learn it now, or at least start, so you can update your resume in the next few weeks.<br> <br> 4: Prime Your Network<br> <br> DO NOT put out a blast on social media: “I’m looking for work, got any leads for an experienced (insert you) who loves working with people?”<br> <br> make a personal outreach to those people you think can really help you -- no blasts! Personal touch!<br> <br> 5: Get Organized in your Search<br> <br> Create a spreadsheet to track your applications and interviews.<br> <br> Your spreadsheet should include – business, job title, date applied, how applied, primary skills needed, basic business information (what they do), your last communication with them and main point of contact.<br> <br> 6: Know Who You Are Online<br> <br> Do a search on your name, if there are any weird results out there be prepared to handle any questions from someone wondering if that is you. There is a steroids dealer who was busted in Texas with my name... on more than one occasion I've been asked if I was from Texas, and I knew what the person was getting at.<br> <br> 7: Prepare for the Negative<br> <br>  <br> <br> Study your weaknesses - if you were interviewing someone like you, what would you wonder? For example, If you have a gap on your resume, be prepared to have an answer for it. If you were laid off, be prepared to talk about that. Look for those weaknesses on your portfolio and get a game plan together on how you want to spin it.<br> <br> Don't get caught off guard!