How to Show Off Your Skills to Land Jobs in Sports – Work in Sports podcast e030

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: How to Show Off Your Skills to Land Jobs in Sports<br> Hi everybody, I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for <a href=""></a> and this is the Work in Sports podcast Monday QA session.<br> <br> Before I get into our Monday question from a fan – one quick, timely in-the-moment analysis I need to give. I generally don’t do this because our content is evergreen, meaning, it’s just as relevant and alive today as it will be 6 months or a year from now. Our advice lasts.<br> <br> If I comment on something very newsy right now, and someone downloads and listens to the podcast in 6 months, it means nothing to them, it has no value. As you’ve probably noticed, you can go back and listen to any of our podcasts from any time, and they will still be worthwhile.<a href=""></a><br> <br> That said….<br> <br> Sorry to everyone in Pittsburgh.<br> <br> I am from Boston, been a Patriots fan since birth, sat through many 2-14 seasons and feel no shame for enjoying the last two decades of dominance. I apologize for none of it.<br> <br> But… that was a catch last night.<br> <br> By the rulebook it wasn’t, Jesse James left hand came off the ball as he went to the ground and the ground helped him maintain possession. But, this game happens in full speed with our eyes and when I watched it, with my own eyes, it was a catch.<br> <br> I don’t want to go too long with this because like I said all of our content is made to be evergreen… but sorry to our friends in steelers nation. And Raiders nation – hello and index card? Alright enough.<br> <br> Let’s get into our fan question.<br> <br> Aiden from Chicago writes in, and will receive a free month at since I’m reading and answering his question on their air.<br> <br> Hi Brian, I’ve listened to each of your industry expert interviews twice. Seriously. The first listen I feel like my head is spinning with information and advice, the second listen it really sinks in. There is just so much good stuff in there…the content is dense with information. But, most of the experts don’t seem to hammer in on what they are looking for when they hire…tell me please in your view, how do I stand out to get hired?<br> <br> Aiden thanks, this question is perfect in it’s timing.<br> <br> I didn’t do a Friday QA session this week because I decided to lock myself in and do some deep self-analysis on my industry expert interviews.<br> <br> A little self-scouting, seeing if I’ve fallen into any patterns or should try some new approaches to questioning. As you can probably guess I’m a very self-critical person, but more than anything I’m just looking for ways to improve for all of you.<br> <br> One thing I have noticed is a certain pet peeve of mine keeps popping up.<br> <br> To everyone I ask some version of the question – “what are you looking for when you hire?” I’d like to think I ask it a little better and more in the flow of the conversation, but you get the gist.<br> <br> Unfortunately, I’ve been given many of the cliché answers you would expect to hear.<br> <br> Things like “the number one thing I look for is work ethic” or “I want someone who exudes excitement” or “They need to have a passion for working in the sports industry”<br> <br> All these things are true, but they aren’t complete answers.<br> <br> The hardest part of getting hired in sports or any industry for that matter, is getting noticed enough to get an interview. You can’t just put on your resume “I’m exicted!” or “I work really hard!” and expect to get noticed enough to get a call back.<br> <br> It doesn’t work that way. These experts are answering the phase two of the question and ignoring the phase one. Phase one is how do you pick someone out of the stack of resumes, phase two is,