EP: 056 – A cutting edge new way for crowdfunding your music with Casey Grooms of fanmob

The Modern Recordist with Jon Stinson | Inspiring insights with creative visionaries, artists, songwriters, and producers show

Summary: <br> <br> This is another episode coming to you on-location from the CD Baby DIY Musician's Conference that took place in Nashville in late August.<br> <br> During the packed weekend of discussions, presentations, and panels, Jon took the opportunity to connect with a few artists, producers, and entrepreneurs that were attending and presenting throughout the conference. This is the second installment in a series of five episodes that features such visionaries.<br> <br> On this episode Jon hangs out with tech entrepreneur, Casey Grooms, who is currently launching an innovative platform in the crowd funding space, called fanmob. This conversation was recorded on-location at the Omni Hotel in downtown Nashville, just before Casey hopped a plane to head back to San Francisco.<br> <br> Over the last ten-ish years, crowdfunding has become a staple of the independent music career. Kickstarter made a splash in the indie music scene around 2007 or 2008, as artists that were completely self-funded began to stitch together ways to finance their creative output on their own terms.<br> <br> Since then, there have been a number of crowdfunding platforms, such as Indiegogo, GoFundMe, PledgeMusic, and Patreon gain popularity, each with their own philosophy on helping artists and entrepreneurs raise capital to fund their ideas and dreams.<br> <br> And it's in this space that the fanmob platform innovates. fanmob allows music makers to create their own "coin" or currency so that they can buy into, and help fund artists that they like and believe in, and financially participate in the potential profit that artist may be able to garner.<br> <br> It's almost like some kind of "stock exchange" built around music makers, and using the basic concepts of cryptocurrency.<br> <br> Intrigued? Confused? Listen to this fascinating episode now, where Jon and Casey discuss technology and innovation in the music business, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, crowdfunding, and all the specifics about how the fanmob platform and philosophy works.<br> <br> To learn more about fanmob, when it will go live, and connect with Casey Grooms, check out the <a href="http://fanmob.io/">fanmob website</a><br> <br> //<br> <br> The podcast has a brand new website! These final weeks of 2017 have not only seen the relaunch of The Modern Recordist podcast, but also the launch of our website...<br> <br> <a href="http://modernrecordist.com">http://modernrecordist.com</a><br> <br> Hit that link, and jump over to the brand new site to scope it out. While there, make sure you put your email address into any of the forms you will find on the site, and we’ll make sure you never miss an episode. We’ve got a whole bunch of new episodes coming to you through the end of 2017, with great guests sharing more inspiring stories and insights on living a life of making and recording music.<br> <br> You don’t wanna miss any of it.