Dueling Dialogues Ep. 28 - Clinton's Russian Roulette

Dueling Dialogues show

Summary: On today's show: The Clinton's Russian Roulette. Grace rants on Group-think. Trump attacked and the left's many attempts for him to not be able to finish his term. Frederica Wilson's emotional ploy to ditract from the Clinton Russian debacle. John McCain attacks reporter for asking about his loyalty to the republicans. Trump's speech to Heritage Foundation. Private hearings in congress on Clinton's meeting on the tarmac. FBI operation Ghost Story busts 10 spies. Hilary sells twenty percent of the U.S. uranium to Russia. $145 million in Russian money sent to the Clinton foundation in same time period. Obama let Hilary's sale of uranium to Russia happen. U.S. only has one percent of the world's uranium, Russia already nine percent of the world's uranium. Clinton Foundation taking money from questionable countries under Sharia law. U.S. Jobless rate lowest in 44 years. DOW breaks 23,000 this week. NFL meets for two days with owners, no decisions made on kneeling during the national anthem. On today's show: The Clinton's Russian Roulette 01:00 Grace rants on Group-think. Trump attacked and the left's many attempts for him to not finish his term. 04:00 Frederica Wilson's emotional ploy to ditract from the Clinton Russian debacle. 08:30 John McCain attacks reporter for asking about his loyalty to the republicans. 10:30 Trump's speech to Heritage Foundation 11:20 Private hearings in congress on Clinton's meeting on the tarmac. FBI operation Ghost Story busts 10 spies. 13:30 Hilary sells twenty percent of the U.S. uranium to Russia. $145 million in Russian money sent to the Clinton foundation in same time period. Obama let Hilary's sale of uranium to Russia happen. 13:55 U.S. only has one percent of the world's uranium, Russia already nine percent of the world's uranium. 18:30 Clinton Foundation taking money from questionable countries under Sharia law. 21:20 U.S. Jobless rate lowest in 44 years 21:40 DOW breaks 23,000 this week. 23:00 NFL meets for two days with owners, no decisions made on kneeling during the national anthem. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/872/dueling-dialogues-podcast-ep-28/