Results VS Resolutions: Commitment Makes the Difference

Redefining Wealth with Patrice Washington show

Summary: “You have to be great, even when you don’t feel like it.” How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution, or a goal, and you’re still waiting for it to happen? You’re not alone, and I’m here to help you make sure that’s not a problem this year. We all get in those modes. “I’m going to lose weight,” or, “I’m going to finally get my side business going,” or even, “This is the year I organize my garage.” Then you build up your interest. You research everything you can. You make plans, maybe you even buy into things that should make it happen. Workout clothes, a website domain, or even shelves. Then they just sit there. The problem isn’t your interest, it’s not your passion - it’s your commitment. You need to really analyze your goals. Is it something you are going to want to do even if you are tired? Even when you are sick? Because let’s face it, if you’re going to make excuses to get out of it. Results don’t come from whims of inspiration, they come from staying true to your goals through thick and thin. Commitment is the difference between success and mediocrity. Download this episode today to learn how you can remain dedicated, committed, and achieve your goals. “Are you committed to your goal or just interested in them?” 3 Things to Think About When Making a Resolution: 1.Commitment takes more than interest. 2.Commitment is not based on how you feel. 3.Commitment means completion. The Cliff Notes: •This is a difficult time of year, and you are not alone. •Make sure you are not physically alone. •92% of us don’t stick with resolutions. •Shift your mindset from resolutions to getting results. •To go to the next level, it can’t be ok to make the same resolutions year after year. •Interest is what we do when we just talk about things. •Being interested fools you into making you look busy. •You have to go the extra mile and show up when you don’t feel like it. •We are all exhausted and don’t feel well on certain days, •You don’t get to not show up unless you are ok with just being mediocre. •You have to be great, even when you don’t feel like it. •There’s always someone watching you that has the power to bless you. •Be committed to the outcome. •If it were easy, everyone would do it. •Too many of us give up too quickly. “Aren’t you tired of having the same goals?”