Hillary still blaming ...Racist Halloween costumes?

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1:Weekend football commiserating ...Another rape accuser for Harvey Weinstein ...Did a football announcer cross the line? ...Death threats for a Blaze host ...Pat meets a music legend ...How opinion bleeds into the news ...Believe it: DREAMers commit crimes too ...Congressional candidate describes the aliens she met ...Hillary Clinton is still blaming everyone but herself ...'I've been called all kinds of names' ...Hillary discusses Harvey Weinstein ...President Trump changing Iran deal? ...What Iran got from us.  Hour 2:Did the world actually start ending...yesterday? ...Martian colony ...The good that President Trump has done for farmers ...Take Facebook away from Mark Zuckerberg?? ...Colin Kaepernick vs. The NFL? ...Is your Halloween costume racist? ...Legalized prostitution coming to DC? ...Box office rundown with Jeffy ...Is now the time to get into making movies?? ...Appropriating cultures for Halloween ...Football sucks now.  Hour 3:Harvey Weinstein has supporters??? ...They'll walk if they can't kneel ...Kneeling spreading overseas ...Jimmy Kimmel becoming like David Letterman ...Don't let the left rewrite history ...Spoons coming back! ...The list of Weinstein accusers continues to grow ...Did Adolph Hitler escape and pose as a Catholic priest in South America? ...Overconfident shrimp and the feminization of fish and frogs Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed LISTEN https://omny.fm/shows/pat-gray http://www.theblaze.com/radio-shows/pat-gray-unleashed/ https://soundcloud.com/patgrayshow https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-blaze-radio-network/pat-gray https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pat-gray-unleashed/id1280961263?mt=2