EP 76: Yay!* The Best/Worst of 2017

Feminist Killjoys, PhD show

Summary: In this episode, we are back! We also discuss our best/worst lists but really we are just happy we made it through 2017. Our categories include activist efforts, news events, books, and podcasts. Thanks for sticking around while we did some magic behind the scenes. Chit chat until 21:30 (CW/TW: during chit chat, discussion of sexual assault & media coverage) Best/Worst starts at 21:30 *** INTRO: "Top Floor" GRRRL PRTY OUTRO: "All We Got" Chance the Rapper *** CALL US MAYBE? New Voicemail number :: 414-858-7818 Subscribe on iTunes & leave a review. Follow us on the Gram, Facebook, and Twitter. Check out our Feminist Killjoys, PhD Mixtape on the Fy. Have some extra dollars and want to support feminist media-makers? Consider donating to our Patreon or as a one-time thing at our website. All Patreons now receive our FKJ, PHD newsletter AND $5+ peeps get bonus eps about The Bachelorette. So become a Patreon today! *insert jingle music here* And of course, feel free to email Melody back in 2005 at fkj.phd@gmail.com *** WTF (women/trans/femme) POWER!