What You Need to Know About Sexual Harassment – 014

This Grit and Grace Life show

Summary: Today’s headlines are filled with stories of sexual misconduct in the workplace. Whether it’s Hollywood, the news industry, politicians, or corporate executives, we are hearing about it from all fronts. What is sexual harassment and what do we do about it? Julie and Darlene take this episode to explore the current workplace climate between sexes and how to handle an unwanted advance.<br> Viewing in an app? Full show notes here<br> <br> Articles We Mentioned or Know You'll Love<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Quote of the episode:<br> "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes.” Unknown<br> Be sure to follow us on social media!<br> <br> Facebook<br> Instagram<br> Twitter<br> Pinterest