How you can change your own BSR on Amazon FBA without selling| Ep. #57 - Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads

Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads show

Summary: How to increase your own BSR on Amazon FBA<br> You can manage your own BSR on Amazon (Best Seller Rank)<br> This is a unit of measurement that Amazon created to determine where your product is located in the number of sales.<br> The Amazon Best Seller Rank is a number, and the bigger this number is, the worse the product sells.<br> For example, a  product with a BSR of 10 is the 10th most sold product on Amazon, while a product with the Best Sellers Rank on Amazon of 120,500 has 125k others that seller better.<br> So if you have a product with a BSR of, let’s say 600k you can lower that rank without even getting any real sales!<br> I will explain how you can manage your own BSR without getting any real sales.<br> This technique can be used to get the best sellers badge, confuse competitors or anything else you can think of.<br>  <br> This is how it’s done:<br> – Pick a product with a very high BSR ( high means its a bad seller, so it has a big number)<br> – This product doesn’t even have to be yours!<br> – Create a giveaway for this product ( you will not need to give away anything)<br> – Make sure you select the maximum option to give away ( 30 each time) (you can do several per day)<br> – Make sure you select the option for a Random Instant Win<br> – Make the biggest ods possible (it changes according to your product price, but minimum is 1- 2000)<br> – Make the giveaway end after 1 day or 2<br> – You can make your giveaway private, or allow Amazon to share it with their list<br> – Click next, and the next page is where you will enter some copy (text)<br> – Now you will pay for the items in advance (and shipping if not prime)<br> – After a few hours, Amazon will make this giveaway live, and each item will be considered 1 sale, giving you a huge BSR boost<br> – After 48 hours you should receive a message saying you giveaway ended and you will be given a refund for the products.<br> – If you are not in the US, you will still have some exchange fees<br> *They is always a small risk of giving 1 away, but that is not an issue for you, is it?<br>  <br> Please listen to the podcast, and if you learned anything, send me a message<br>  <br> Thanks<br> QA<br>