Do You Brand All Your Products - Where Do You Make The Logo | Ep. #61 - Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads

Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads show

Summary: Do You Brand All Your Products – Where Do You Make The Logo<br> Carl asked if I brand all my products and if I do, where do I place the logo, and where do I make the logo?<br> The answer is very simple, NO!<br> I always test my products, even if the tools tell me I will be able to sell a ton of them every day.<br> I have 2 accounts, one is the “test” account where I do exactly that.<br> Test the viability of the product and if it doesn’t fly I either kill it or slowly let it sell out without PPC.<br> All products that pass the test are sent to the main account, where they will live happily ever after. (until they sell haha)<br> Products that pass the test, WILL BE BRANDED on the package and the products, except in some cases where the product can’t be branded for some reason.<br> My logo is not always new, as I have a Main brand, where I sell a large variety of different items, so most cases will just get branded with my main brand logo.<br> If the product is part of a speciality (like for instance, medical devices) it will have its own branding, and it’s own website, preferably with the dot-com domain related to the brand name.<br> About, where I make my logos, I have tried almost every place online, from 99 designs to software to help me do it myself, and Fiverr.<br> To be honest, a lot of people mention how Fiverr sucks and the work is cheap… well, that is not correct, there are lots of very talented people on Fiverr.<br> Actually, all designers that provide services at 99 designs are selling on Fiverr.<br> You don’t have to pick a $5 design for your logo, but you certainly don’t need to spend thousands anymore like we did back in 2010.<br> Saying Fiver sucks because it is cheap is like saying everything made in China sucks!<br> Remember, you are probably reading this from your Made in China Smartphone.<br> My designer is on fiver, and of course, he does not cost $5. I have been dealing with him for a long time, and have requested several logos from him, all 5-star logos.<br>  <br> That is all for today.<br> Please leave a review on the show if you find any value<br> Thanks<br> QA<br>  <br>  <br>  <br>