Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success, Motivation, Spiritual Growth, Character Building & A Positive Thinking Mindset: Life is Good | Make Your Lives Extraordinary

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Summary: Published on 12 Oct 2017. Listen to episode 204 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Life is Good: Make Your Lives Extraordinary. Adapted from Concentration: The Road To Success by Henry Harrison Brown. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Remember to always mind your own business. Any argument or antagonism, is minding another person’s business. All persons have an equal right as you to think and act as prompted from within. In giving them this right in your thought, you cannot resist anything they do. You will think and act your thought freely. And since Goodness, Truth, and Love, are realities and are all, when you affirm these you will be powerful. Steel yourself with positive affirmations about life. Don't bark against the bad, but cheer the beauties of the good. When you concentrate on "cheering," you cannot bark. Which shall it be? Will you be a growler, or the one who cheers, in the arena of life? Stop fighting and begin to love life — all of life. The good and the bad. The joyful and the painful. The successes and the failures. The Universe is wise. The Law of cause and effect is divine. Love the Law. Agree with it. Denials are antagonism. Agree with your adversary, and let Love have sway! Related Positive Thinking Podcasts: The Power of Positive Thinking Rewiring Your Brain for Optimism