Bonus Pod: Local Elections Matter

The Purple State Report show

Summary: On this bonus podcast, we highlight a local Colorado election that could have huge implications for the future of our public schools and the integrity of our state constitution. Out of state interests are pouring piles of money into Douglas County to revive a private school voucher scheme that was declared unconstitutional by the Colorado Supreme Court because it illegally funnels taxpayer money to private, religious schools. We talk to Cindy Barnard, President of Taxpayers for Public Education, who was there at the start of the program and organized concerned parents and residents to fight it. We also interview two representatives from Disability Law Colorado, who explain how vouchers are used to discriminate against and harm children with physical and developmental disabilities.   To learn more about vouchers and the Douglas County election, go to:   Call To Action: Alejandra highlights the importance of voting in local elections. To register to vote or to find your closest polling place and ballot drop-off site, go to:   For related content from this episode visit our website at: