Summary: October is here and fully present. I know you all are feeling it by the messages I've received so I wanted to gift you all with a bit more insight as to help you navigate your way through it with some higher understanding. October is a 10 month full of new potentials, new creation, new cycles and completion. We also will be entering scorpio season shortly which is continuing to encourage this incredible rebirth within us and as a collective to step in to our highest divine expression and to create some new foundations and platforms all rooted in oneness and the heart as we are also in a 1 year, which magnifies this transformation even more. This is also an incredibly multidimensional month as the veils continue to thin leading up to "Halloween". This is a time where we are open to a greater field of information both lower - as in our darkness, density, shadows and fears, and also that of our highest light. All will be illuminated this month. www.youareluminous.com