Summary: Powerful one, Oh what a year it has been. A year of change, transition, awakening, rebirth, resurrection and there's still more to come with the final illuminating portals in December especially the Winter/Summer solstice. This year has really called us to rise up and return home. Our soul has gifted us with so many opportunities to re align with this strength, empowerment, and love within. Sometimes these opportunities looked like complete destruction, like pain and ache, like feeling lost and isolated, like a new relationship or location, but regardless all that has been placed before us or that has met us this year was a chance for us to resonate with a more divine aspect of our self and to return to our divine feminine wholeness of flow, nurturing, and of understanding instead of fear and hate. In this episode I talk about how we can further return to our empowered self to connect with life from states of fullness and unity instead of from desperation or need. And how all of creation is working for us even if it doesn't arrive in a pretty package.I also dive in to some detail on my new membership portal I created to assist you through your continued transformation which is launching mid December and how you can become a part of this sacred, supportive and safe space.xhighest blessings