Guitar Review – Halfbreed Springer model by Springer Guitars

The Guitar Channel - Passion Amplifier show

Summary: Back in September, The Guitar Channel proposed you <a href="">to listen to a guitar only using the audio file of the review</a>. The objective was to use more our ears than our eyes to evaluate the sound. The suspens is over, now is the time to reveal the mystery guitar! It's a guitar hand built by <a href="">luthier</a> <a href="">Mikaël Springer</a> in his workshop East of France: the Halfbreed Springer model proposing a great singlecut design with a P90 in the neck position and humbucker in the bridge (both from <a href="">Häussel Pickups</a>).<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> Video Fuitar Review - Halfbreed Springer Guitars<br> <br> Audio version of the review available in the podcast and below:<br> Thank you Springer Guitars for being a <a href="">pro partner</a> on The Guitar Channel<br> <a href=""></a><br> Review setup<br> <br> * Sound path: Guitar &gt; Cable &gt; Amp<br> * Ampl: V-Twin <a href="">Kelt Amplification</a> (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>)<br> * Sound: SM58 &gt; Tascam DR-60D<br> <br> The settings on the V-Twin Kelt amp were the same throughout the review:<br> <br> Springer Halfbreed photo album<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Conclusion<br> Huge supporter for a while now of the work of luthier Mikaël Springer, I suggest you draw your own conclusions from what you have heard in the video above. Hopefully Keith Richards, the Stones, ZZ Top and a few others will pardon me for happily destroying some of their songs, I find that these riffs fit perfectly the program of this guitar, though it can do more than Rock or Blues.<br> Guitar available for testing at the <a href="">showroom</a> for members of <a href="">the connoisseur club</a><br> and for the people sent by Mikaël.<br> <br> Do not hesitate to contact the luthier Mikaël Springer to start the conversation with him.<br> Until the next <a href="">gear review</a>, keep on playing the guitar!<br> Pierre Journel.<br>