Policing the Police: A Citizen’s Guide to Police Reform


Summary: Police reform conversations are stuck on methods to improve community and police relations but are missing the point of accountability and transparency. On this episode, L. Joy, June and Lurie discuss advocacy efforts towards police reform and a citizen’s role in policing the police. Guests include Dr. Phill Goff, Co-Founder and President of the Center for Policing Equity and lifelong activist Lumumba Bandele.<br> <br> <br> <br> #CIVICDOCKET - 10:59<br> A few of the civic related stories we discussed on the show that you may have missed in mainstream media. Follow the hashtag #CivicDocket on Twitter or view more <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/civicdocket/">here</a>.<br> <br> * <a href="http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/10/25/559015355/how-black-americans-see-discrimination?utm_content=buffer0b4e5&amp;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=twitter.com&amp;utm_campaign=buffer">How Black Americans See Discrimination</a><br> * <a href="http://www.npr.org/2017/10/24/559604836/majority-of-white-americans-think-theyre-discriminated-against">Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination</a><br> <br> Girl...Is That Legal? - 36:41<br> Do police have a constitutional duty to protect someone? In Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales the Supreme Court ruled, 7–2, that a town and its police department could not be sued for failing to enforce a restraining order, which had led to the murder of a woman's three children by her estranged husband.<br> <br> FEATURE TOPIC - 00:00<br> Where does law enforcement get its power? L. Joy describes where law enforcement agencies get their power and our role in police reform.<br> <br> GUESTS<br> <a href="http://policingequity.org/executive-team/phillip-atiba-goff-phd/">Dr. Philip Atiba Goff</a> is the co-founder and president of the Center for Policing Equity, and an expert in contemporary forms of racial bias and discrimination, as well as the intersections of race and gender. Dr. Goff serves as one of four Principal Investigators for the CPE’s National Justice Database, the first national database on racial disparities in police stops and use of force.<br> <a href="http://www.naacpldf.org/lumumba-akinwole-bandele">Lumuma Bandele</a> is the Senior Community Organizer at the NAACP Legal Defense and educational Fund and a member and organizer with the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement.<br> <br> ---<br> <br> BECOME A CIVIC PATRON<br> Help us continue to grow and spread civic education and engagement by becoming a Civic Patron. Your financial support will help fund day-to-day costs and ensure the show will continue to be free and available for all to learn and share. You can contribute as little as $3 a month <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/patreon">via Patreon</a> or make a one-time donation of any amount <a href="https://www.paypal.me/ljoywilliams">via PayPal</a><br> <br> REVIEW THE SHOW<br> If you love the show please write a review on <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/itunes">iTunes</a> or <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/stitcher">Stitcher</a> and help spread the word about civic education and engagement. Make it a 5 star review and L. Joy Will read it on a feedback episode of the show.<br> <br> FOLLOW #SUNDAYCIVICS<br> Subscribe on YouTube: <a href="http://www.sundaycivics.org/youtube">sundaycivics.org/youtube</a><br> Follow on Twitter: <a href="http://www.sundaycivics.org/twitter">sundaycivics.org/twitter</a><br> Like on Facebook: <a href="http://www.sundaycivics.org/facebook">sundaycivics.org/facebook</a><br> <br> FOLLOW L. JOY<br> Follow on Twitter: <a href="http://www.twitter.com/ljoywilliams">twitter.com/ljoywilliams</a><br> Follow on Instagram: <a href="http://www.instagram.com/ljoywilliams">instagram.com/ljoywilliams</a><br> Follow on LinkedIn: <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/ljoywilliams">linkedin.com/in/ljoywilliams</a>