Census 2020: Why Be Counted?


Summary: The 2020 seems far away but in this episode we discuss the many changes and issues complicating our preparedness for the upcoming census. Prof. John Flateau, PhD of the DuBois Bunche Center For Public Policy at Medgar Evers College, CUNY joins us to discuss the importance and long term political and economic effects of the census count.<br> <br> <br> <br> #CIVICDOCKET - 8:06<br> A few of the civic related stories we discussed on the show that you may have missed in mainstream media. Follow the hashtag #CivicDocket on Twitter or view more <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/civicdocket/">here</a>.<br> <br> * Could a Tax Fix the Gig Economy? <a href="http://theatln.tc/2yBjfKi">http://theatln.tc/2yBjfKi</a><br> <br> FEATURE TOPIC - 21:48<br> Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau attempts to count all the people living in the United States. This a mandate so important that the founders put it in the Constitution (<a href="http://bit.ly/2zDdkSt">Article I, Section 2</a>). To complete the count, a short form asking for basic demographic information is sent to every household in the country. 1 in 6 households receive a long form with extra questions such as how you get to work, what type of work you do and how much your annual water bill is. As you can imagine there is a lot of work to do leading up to this monumental task. Recent news about the planning stages has not given us faith that the U.S. Census Bureau will be ready. We discuss some of the issues with the planning process, funding and more.<br> <br> GUEST INTERVIEW - 38:45<br> Prof. John Flateau, PhD. is a Professor of Public Administration and Political Science at Medgar Evers College located here in Brooklyn. Prof. Flateau currently directs the US Census Information Center, the DuBois Bunche Center For Public Policy and the New York Clearinghouse on the 2020 Census, Voting Rights and Redistricting.<br> <br> Dr. Flateau served as senior policy advisor to the State Senate Democratic Majority; Deputy Secretary for Intergovernmental Relations; and Member of NYS Legislative Advisory Task Force On Demographic Research And Reapportionment. Other public service includes: Chief Of Staff and campaign coordinator for Mayor David N. Dinkins, New York’s first and only Black Mayor; NYS Empire State Development Corporation, Senior Vice President and chief diversity officer; Executive Director, NYS Black, Hispanic, Asian Legislative Caucus; and Principal Research Analyst, NYS Commission on Health Education &amp; Illness Prevention.<br> <br> ---<br> <br> BECOME A CIVIC PATRON<br> Help us continue to grow and spread civic education and engagement by becoming a Civic Patron. Your financial support will help fund day-to-day costs and ensure the show will continue to be free and available for all to learn and share. You can contribute as little as $3 a month <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/patreon">via Patreon</a> or make a one-time donation of any amount <a href="https://www.paypal.me/ljoywilliams">via PayPal</a><br> <br> REVIEW THE SHOW<br> If you love the show please write a review on <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/itunes">iTunes</a> or <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/stitcher">Stitcher</a> and help spread the word about civic education and engagement. Make it a 5 star review and L. Joy Will read it on a feedback episode of the show.<br> <br> FOLLOW #SUNDAYCIVICS<br> Subscribe on YouTube: <a href="http://www.sundaycivics.org/youtube">sundaycivics.org/youtube</a><br> Follow on Twitter: <a href="http://www.sundaycivics.org/twitter">sundaycivics.org/twitter</a><br> Like on Facebook: <a href="http://www.sundaycivics.org/facebook">sundaycivics.org/facebook</a><br> <br> FOLLOW L. JOY<br> Follow on Twitter: <a href="http://www.twitter.com/ljoywilliams">twitter.com/ljoywilliams</a><br> Follow on Instagram: <a href="http://www.instagram.com/ljoywilliams">instagram.</a>