TiS 10/14/17 Drone Region Federation

Talking in Stations show

Summary: Manfred Sideous (H A V O C, Hooligans., DRF Bloc FC ) Fafer (Tr0pa de elite., Ghost Legion, DRF Defense Minister) Opner Dresden - (XPLCT Exec, DCU/DRF Cap FC) Forseti (DIVE Exec, DCU/DRF FC) Vyxin (Director of Celestial Horizons and Badfellas Leadership) Caleb Aryania (SCC Lounge, EVE Mogul) Carneros (The Bastion, political leader, former CCP) Matterall (DICE corp, NC., Host) --- Victory at MTO2-2 battle Drone Region Federation Reactions to coming changes to EVE --- Imperium.News senior staffer Matterall, sits down with fellow EVE Online players to discuss news, politics, and personalities from the long-lived MMO game. Recorded live on https://www.twitch.tv/imperiumnews Saturday’s at 15:00 UTC Please support the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/matterall Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/hKhxq4m Youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrk-tHMgg_i_LeVg3un6a3Pswgde7Yaue Produced By Maccloud (Imperium News Streaming) Soundtrack: But Not Tonight (Depeche Mode)