PASS Summit Wrap Up and Frank’s Big News

Data Driven show

Summary: Frank and Andy chat about the people and things Andy saw at this year's PASS Summit and Frank talks about his appearance on another data science podcast.<br> Links<br> Sponsor: - Get a free audio book when you sign up for a free trial!<br> Sponsor: Enterprise Data &amp; Analytics<br> Notable Quotes<br> Andys excellent PASS Summit 2017 Adventure (0:58)<br> Frank responded well (6:20)<br> Podcast Websites rock! (9:00)<br> Frank got it working (11:50)<br> Azure Data Science VM (14:20)<br> "How much does that cost?" (15:15)<br> "How big is that row?" (17:15)<br> On delivering Microsoft demos... (18:05)<br> I am Frank's hero! (20:30)<br> Biml in the PASS Summit 2017 Day 1 Keynote. (20:50)<br> "Stealth Biml..." (21:40)<br> The Biml Book (22:00)<br> Frank's Book! (23:50)<br> Kevin Hazzard shout-out (26:00)<br> Kevin's post about database designs<br> Rimma Nehme on CosmosDB, Planet-Scale Applications, and Selling Door-to-Door (27:45)<br> "There are smart people presenting in other rooms." (31:45)<br> Eugene loves the show! (33:00)<br> ...he's definitely a data scientist." (34:00)<br> THE Frank La Vigne (35:30)<br> The Data Driven Facebook page (36:00)<br> The now-famous Dunkin Donuts Incident (36:45)<br> The Economist Facebook Live (37:20)<br> The Data Podcast by Rajib Bahar (37:45)<br> Book reference: The Future of the Mind by Michio Kaku (39:30)<br> Does Andy really exist? (41:41)<br> The Data Driven (44:30)<br> Frank spends quality time thinking on the beltway... (47:15)<br> Pod-fade (49:00)<br> On editing... (50:00)<br> What does one call a wizard in training? (53:00)