Our Story – Chapter 2: The Real World

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast165"></a><br> Last week, we had a blast sharing our college days with y’all.<br> We’re now moving on to the next chapter of our story, what happened after we moved out of our dorms, graduated from college and suddenly catapulted to what we thought was the vast, fun and glorious real world.<br> <br> Our epic adventure starts with us moving to my hometown, where we took off our part-time adult training wheels, and went in to do some serious, “real world” adulting.<br> <br> You’d think that after getting our college degree we’d be all cozy and comfy, but we were in for a really big surprise. The real world wasn’t what we expected it to be, jobs were hard to come by especially since we lived in a very small and rural area.<br> <br> Come to think of it, there were lots of times where we had to really reflect on our next move because there were crossroads everywhere.<br> <br> As a young adult, the corporate environment can be a pretty scary thing to conquer.<br> <br> Zero experience, zero assurance, and with no idea of what’s going to happen next.<br> This Chapter's highlights <br> <br> * how we forged our career paths<br> * how we started figuring out what we wanted to do for ourselves<br> * how we supported each other to get to that next level<br> <br> Here’s where you’ll see most of our early entrepreneurial tendencies kicking in.<br> <br> From Jocelyn’s setting of expectations, to Shane’s just-do-something-and-see-what-happens, everything that happened then was preparing us to become the people we are today.<br> <br> If you’ve ever been a struggling 20-something years old, this is going to bring back so many feels.<br> <br> Tune in this week and keep tuning in, who knows? You just might connect the dots in your life and realize you too have the puzzle pieces you need to succeed online.<br> <br> [Tweet "“I started thinking how could I have fun and make money.” - Shane"]<br> <br> [Tweet "“Worst-case scenario is they’d say ‘no’ &amp; I’d have to do something else.” - Shane"]<br> <br> [Tweet "“We've learned to turn our backs on negativity.” - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Mr-Stressed.jpg"></a>(visual representation of Shane being bored out of his wits)<br> <br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast165"></a>"Man, those cows are free. Look at them. They just walk around, eat grass, jump in that pond. Whatever. They're doing whatever they want. I'm trapped in this little thing. Am I really going to do this for the rest of my life?”<br> <br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast165"></a>Cow: "We're having so much fun eating grass, Shane!"<br> <br>  <br> Bonus Trivia:<br> <br> * Jocelyn didn’t love her MBA classes, and is officially an MBA dropout.<br> * When I actually moved from Daphne (AL), Jocelyn and my dad went and rented a big van.  This is how I knew that Jocelyn loved me, by the way, for sure.  Even being apart, being stupid, and being immature, Jocelyn got in the truck with my dad and drove 13 hours to help me pack and move back home.<br> * How to propose to a Jocelyn: "Basically, if we don't get married now, I don't know if we'll ever have a chance to do it." / “Are you free on the 3rd?”<br> * Jocelyn's engagement ring had her birthstone on it, instead of a diamond.<br> <br> If you enjoyed this week’s chapter, let us know in the comments or better yet, <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-flipped-lifestyle-podcast/id902645131?mt=2">leave us an iTunes review.</a><br> <br> We will continue our story again next week!<br> <br> <br> <br> Here are the links to S&amp;J’s Our Story podcast series<br> <br> * <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast163/">Our Story – Prologue: A Couple of Kids from Kentucky</a><br>