FL Yearender Special: The 5 Steps to Making Your Dream A Reality

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast175"></a><br> MERRY CHRISTMAS Y’ALL! <br> This week, we’re focusing on getting you in shape for next year’s abundance of opportunities by getting into the right mindset.<br> <br> But before we do, we’d like to let y’all know how thankful we are that you stuck around with us through 2017. <br> <br> It has been a wild ride, full of adventures, surprises and lessons. <br> <br> Congratulations on making it through this year, and we pray that the succeeding success stories be sweeter than the last.<br> <br> You guys rock!<br> <br> Now, let’s get on to business… online business.<br> The 5 Steps to Making Your Dream A Reality<br> STEP 1: Celebrate last year’s successes<br> Take time to be grateful for what you’ve already achieved. <br> <br> Being mindfully appreciative of all your successes helps you to stay positive and focused on the target.<br> <br> If you don’t celebrate your successes and are being too hard on yourself, negative things become amplified. <br> <br> What should you do when you feel bogged down?<br> <br> When personal victories are scarce, be happy for your loved ones’ success, celebrate with them, and bask in that positive energy. <br> <br> Don't dwell on the bad stuff, learn from it and then move on. <br> <br> Channeling the spirit of gratitude is a powerful thing. There is so much good in the world, believe in it, and in yourself. Make gratitude a habit and you’re already one step closer to your dream.<br> STEP 2: Focus on experiences<br> Hard set goals are good, but if you really think about it, you get that exhilaration from living in the moment. <br> <br> Experiences are things that move on to your next adventures, they add wisdom to your years and teaches you to persevere in times of hardship.<br> <br> Focus on what you FEEL as you’re working towards your goals -- how are you experiencing your everyday life?<br> <br> The goal isn’t all there is. Money isn’t all there is. Fame isn’t all there is.<br> <br> Now, be honest. What do YOU want to experience in life next year?<br> STEP 3: Identify your areas of strength and weakness<br> What do you need to learn in order to make those experiences possible?<br> <br> Focus on what makes the biggest impact in your life. <br> <br> Sometimes we aim at multiple targets in the hope that we’d hit a good opportunity, but this just distracts us from focusing all our efforts on hitting the best opportunity.<br> <br> Analyze your mindset and skills. Your success depends on what you put your mind into and the consistency of your actions.<br> STEP 4: Take consistent action!<br> Taking action builds your momentum to get to the next level. <br> <br> You can form this habit by committing yourself to the cause.<br> <br> There is no magic pill, success requires hard work, commitment and passion. <br> <br> When you take consistent action it allows you to learn more, experience more and consequently DO even more. <br> <br> What are three things you can do to make your life and others people’s lives better? <br> <br> List and commit to three actions.<br> <br> BONUS: The conditioning of your mind becomes rewired when you take action, you are more alert and can make use of previous action’s data to help you decide an even more educated next step.<br> STEP 5: Focus on others: Paying it forward and giving back<br> How are you going to help others?<br> <br> Amazing opportunities happen to genuinely helpful people.<br> <br> Giving is an awesome paradox. When you give, you receive. This is true, and for the most part, what we receive is something intangible like friendship and hope. These intangible treasures are a great source of fulfillment, and allows both the giver and the receiver to grow a mindset of abundance and gratitude.<br> <br>