F Lee Bailey - OJ Simpson Trial Lawyer

House of Mystery True Crime History show

Summary: Francis Lee Bailey, Jr. (born June 10, 1933) is an American former attorney. For most of his career, he was licensed in Massachusetts and Florida, where he was disbarred in 2001. He was a criminal defense attorney who served as the lawyer in the re-trial of osteopathic physician Sam Sheppard. He was also the supervisory attorney over attorney Mark J. Kadish in the court martial of Captain Ernest Medina for the My Lai Massacre, among other high-profile trials, and was one of the lawyers for the defense in the O. J. Simpson murder case. He has also had a number of visible defeats, legal controversies, and personal trouble with the law, and was disbarred in Massachusetts and Florida for misconduct while defending his client Claude DuBoc. In 2014, he was denied a law license by the Maine State Bar Association and the Maine Supreme Judicial Court.