Kevin Owens Talks Hell in a Cell, Sami Zayn, and the Importance of Family

E&C’s Pod of Awesomeness show

Summary: What's up, Hosers?! Welcome to another Pod of Awesomeness. On this week's show, E&C were joined by fellow Canadian, and Pop-Up Powerbomb specialist, Kevin Owens. Kevin talked about how he felt after last Sunday's Hell in a Cell match with Shane McMahon, the long-standing relationship he's had with Sami Zayn, and how he wouldn't have ascended to WWE stardom without the unwavering support of his family. Also, before talking to Kevin, E&C shared their thoughts on the HIAC PPV, debated how long Christian has been playing Words With Friends against Kofi Kingston, and listened to some of your voicemails! Enjoy. HERE WE GO.