"The Fifteen-Woman Lawsuit Opposing the Self-Defense Forces in Iraq"

CHIASMOS: The University of Chicago International and Area Studies Multimedia Outreach Source [audio] show

Summary: <img src="http://chiasmos.uchicago.edu/images/JAPANESEPROTEST_poster.jpg" alt="japan protest poster" align="left">A talk by lawyer Michiko Nakajima. In the course of the Iraq War, citizens in Japan, singly or in groups, have been taking the state to court alleging violation of the "no war" clause of the Constitution in deploying Self-Defense Force troops. Feminist labor lawyer Michiko Nakajima led a group of 15 women plaintiffs in one such suit. This endeavor builds on her half-century of activism engaging with many of the great struggles of postwar Japan, from the US-Japan Security Treaty, gender equality in the workplace, and the Women's Tribunal on Military Sexual Slavery. Part of the Japan at Chicago Lecture Series: Celebrating Protest. Sponsored by apan Committee of the Center for East Asian Studies, the Human Rights Program, the Center for International Studies, the Center for Gender Studies, the Public Interest Law Society and the Japan Law Society.