69 – The Family Gamers Podcast – Top Video Game Gifts for 2017 – with Stephen Duetzmann

The Family Gamers Podcast show

Summary: Welcome Stephen Duetzmann from Engaged Family Gaming this week! Since EFG has already released their holiday gift guide, we decided that Stephen would be an excellent resource for our listeners. We present our top ten(ish) video game purchases for your family this holiday season.<br> What We’ve Been Playing<br> Stephen has been really enjoying <a href="http://amzn.to/2zNq6NR" rel="nofollow">Tail Feathers</a> with his older son (11 years old). It’s their favorite move-minis-around game. We should get back to <a href="http://amzn.to/2lfEZp8" rel="nofollow">Mice &amp; Mystics</a> soon.<br> We all loved Boston FIG, and re-visit a few of the games we first mentioned on our <a href="/episode-65-boston-fig-2017/">post-BFIG episode</a>. <a href="http://kingofthehat.com/">King of the Hat</a> reminds Andrew a little bit of a game called <a href="http://gangbeasts.game/">Gang Beasts</a> (another over-the-top brawler game, but not as appropriate for kids).<br> Anitra has been playing more BOO, a great game for $5. See our <a href="http://www.thefamilygamers.com/boo-game-review/">review</a>.<br> Stephen asks about Dairyman, which we really enjoyed (and <a href="http://www.thefamilygamers.com/dairyman-game/">reviewed</a>).<br> Speaking of fighting games, our kids have not yet tried Street Fighter on our SNES Classic, but they love Super Punch Out. Stephen gives some excellent advice on how to introduce Street Fighter (or similar fighting games) to children or anyone who hasn’t played them. Start with move, jump, and ONLY ONE attack button that you all agree on (ie. “heavy kick”). This will teach strategy and positioning, and gives opportunities to learn fighting skill without having to grasp the special moves (ie. fireball).<br> Andrew’s first try on the SNES Classic was Starfox. Anitra’s was Mario Kart.<br> Bob Ross Art of Chill – it’s a game that is “mechanically neutral, and therefore relies on its theme”.<br> Top Ten Video Game Gifts<br> Toys-to-life: most of them are well-designed for kids, and the older styles are aggressively marked down, making them an excellent deal – as long as you don’t need the online features. Our favorite is Disney Infinity; Stephen’s is Skylanders (Superchargers version). We’re not a huge fan of LEGO Dimensions; it’s much more expensive even though it has been discontinued.<br> <a href="http://www.loversinadangerousspacetime.com/" rel="nofollow">LOVERS in a Dangerous Spacetime</a>: an excellent co-operative game, and no one player is dragging the other(s) along. Note: LOVERS is an acronym, and the spaceship is powered by the “ardor reactor” and the power of love. The actual characters are cute bunnies/frogs/etc. ($15)<br> SNES Classic (mentioned above). An excellent value for the money, and it will introduce your children to video game history. Nearly all of the games included were groundbreaking when they were first introduced and have stood the test of time – true classics. ($80)<br> <a href="http://amzn.to/2y3evgf" rel="nofollow">Nintendo Switch</a>: it’s an excellent time to buy it. Between <a href="http://amzn.to/2y2TUsJ" rel="nofollow">Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild</a> and <a href="http://amzn.to/2yHIEkM" rel="nofollow">Super Mario Odyssey</a>, this is an excellent buy for your kids. A home console that is also a handheld seems too good to be true, but it really does work and is sturdier than it looks. ($300 + games)<br> Note: if you have Amazon Prime, you get 20% off pre-ordered video games. What a deal!<br> <a href="http://amzn.to/2lcVtOK" rel="nofollow">Mario Kart 8 Deluxe</a>: among other things, it has accessibility controls that actually make it possible for a 2 or 3 year old to really play! This may be added to the Smith family Christmas list, even though we already have Mario Kart 8 for the WiiU. Especially since with the Switch,