Ep 204 Street Photography with Amy Ballard

How She Creates Podcast show

Summary: know I say this every week, but this is truly one of my favorite episodes ever. I love being able to elevate and celebrate the real life women in my own life who are doing amazing things and have invaluable knowledge and skills to share. Today you are going to get to meet one of my in-real-life friends, Amy. She is beautiful and funny and kind and a genius with a camera. She took these beautiful photos of us in Korea, which was one of the greatest gifts we have to remember our time in that beloved place. Amy has a keen eye when it comes to street and lifestyle photography and she is sharing all her knowledge on the podcast today. We talk best camera gear for getting out in the world easily, techniques and tricks for getting great shots, how to get your family and little ones involved (without being an instagram husband) and how to find and celebrate joy in your everyday life. PLUS! There is an amazingly adorable cameo by her littlest, Jonah, as he signs our episode off – so be sure to listen all the way to the end. Super bonus, Ill be in Germany with Amy in 2 days (!!) so, Ill be sure to be on the lookout for more of her photo genius and will share it with you on instagram, so be sure to say hi! How She Creates Challenge This week we want to see your street/lifestyle photos. Take some time this week to be present in the world, look for what you are thankful for and snap some natural photos of it and share using the #howshecreates tag so we can all see! For more info and shownotes visit: http://www.lauren-likes.com/creates-ep-204-street-photography/