Ep. 103: Frugality

The Simple Show show

Summary: In the spirit of the upcoming holidays, this week’s episode is on… not spending money. It’s perfectly fine to spend money when it’s good to do so—but how often do we ask whether it’s needed? Haley is big on something called “buy nothing” groups, Tsh is a fan of thrift stores, and they both have still other ideas in between. What does it mean to live frugally? When is it a healthy, common sense, for-the-common-good practice, and when does it become a burden and a dogma? In this chat, they talk about how they incorporate a frugal spirit into our daily choices while steering clear of curmudgeon-ery. Don’t worry, there’s no guilt trip here—but there is encouragement to not assume every thing is worth shelling out hard cash for. It’s good for all of us to remember this, right before the holidays. p.s. - Before heading out with gusto on Black Friday, consider checking out our Ethical Shopping Guide, and be on the lookout for our annual Ethical Holiday Gift Guide—coming soon! Links From This Episode:Follow The Simple Show on InstagramHaleys blog, Carrots for MichaelmasHaley on Instagram and TwitterTsh on Instagram and TwitterBuy Nothing GroupsThe thrift store can be your (nearly free) storage unit3 questions I ask before buying somethingBeauty in what remains ....and also, never miss an episode by getting Tsh's weekly email, 5 Quick Things! She shares whatever they've created the previous week (like Simple Show episodes), plus other goodness you might enjoy. (You can read it in under a minute, pinky-swear.)