Jodi Arias kills lover, defense lawyer Kirk Nurmi speaks out & Navy vet murders teen girl, Ashanti Billie

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace show

Summary: Boyfriend killer Jodi Arias is turning her anger toward Kirk Nurmi, the lawyer who helped her avoid the death penalty. Arias is suing Nurmi accusing him of having "utter hatred" of her and being "fixated with the sexual aspect" of her case. Nancy Grace talks with Nurmi, psycho analyst Dr. Bethany Marshall and RadarOnline reporter Alexis Tereszcuk. A homeless Navy vet is charged with kidnapping a Virginia teen whose body was later found behind a church more than 300 miles away. Crime scene investigator Sheryl McCollum and reporter Bobbi Maxwell join Grace to discuss Ashanti Billie's murder. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at