#1538 How to systemize idea validation

Startup Stories - Mixergy show

Summary: If you want to launch a new product but you want to figure out if it will even work before you launch it, today’s guest has found a way to help. Thor Ernstsson is the founder of Alpha which helps teams make better decisions based on users, products, and new markets. Here’s what that means, before you invest time in coding, before you invest time in marketing an idea, Alpha helps you understand what people will really think of your idea. <p><a href="https://mixergy.com/interviews/alpha-with-thor-ernstsson/"><img src="https://mixergy.com/interviews/alpha-with-thor-ernstsson/?get-twitter-card=true&amp;" alt="" class="alignnone size-full"></a></p><p>Thor Ernstsson is the founder of Alpha which helps teams make better decisions based on users, products, and new markets. </p> <strong>Sponsored by</strong><br><p><a href="http://www.acuityscheduling.com/mixergy" rel="nofollow">Acuity Scheduling</a> – Acuity Scheduling helps businesses offer and manage their appointments online. With this tool, you’ll be able to automate your client bookings, cancellations, reminders &amp; even payments without sacrificing you soul. Plus, automated reminders and follow-ups eliminate your no-shows, and incentivize repeat bookings. Get an exclusive 45-day trial at <a href="http://www.acuityscheduling.com/mixergy" rel="nofollow">AcuityScheduling.com/mixergy</a> </p> <hr> <p><a href="http://www.hostgator.com/promo/mixergy" rel="nofollow">HostGator</a> is your one-stop shop for all things web hosting. From design and marketing services to easy-to-use website builders, they are with you every step of the way. Thanks to their 24/7 – 365 days a year live support – which you can get via chat, phone and email – any and all questions you have can be answered in no time at all.</p> <p><a href="http://www.hostgator.com/promo/mixergy" rel="nofollow">HostGator</a> offers unlimited disk space and bandwidth, an easy to use control panel, one click WordPress installs and more. </p> <p>More interviews -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/moreint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/moreint</a><br> Rate this interview -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/rateint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/rateint</a></p>