Spam Spam Spam Humbug 5 - Ultima 5

Spam Spam Spam Humbug show

Summary: <h4><font>The Spam Spam Spam Humbug crew take a look at <em>Ultima 5: Warriors of Destiny</em>.</font></h4><a id="more-5774394"></a><p><a href="">Subscribe on iTunes</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Stitcher</a></p><h4>Intro</h4><p><em>Ultima V - Stones 2001 Remix</em> by DJ Lizard (<a href=""></a>)</p><h4>Follow-Up From Previous Episode</h4><p>Adric speaks briefly to something from the <em>Pillars of Eternity</em> discussion.</p><h4>Podcast Topic(s)</h4><p><strong>The Creation and Design of <em>Ultima 5</em></strong><br></p><p></p><ul><li>What were some of the obvious influences that Origin Systems drew on for inspiration? </li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>Tolkien</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>Robin Hood</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>What were some of the significant changes in game design apparent in <em>Ultima 5</em>, as compared to earlier entries in the series?</li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>Simplification of classes</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>Size of world in dual scale</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>Interactivity</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>NPC schedules/day-night cycle?</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>What kinds of feelies were included in the <em>Ultima 5</em> game box?</li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>LB's expedition account as map</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>Why was the Magic Axe so wildly imbalanced and overpowered?</li></ul><strong>The Gameplay of <em>Ultima 5</em></strong><ul><li>What are the different gameplay approaches <em>Ultima 5</em> allows for?</li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>Single</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>Party</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>“Themed” gameplay</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>What sorts of cheats, secrets, or exploitable bugs exist in <em>Ultima 5</em>?</li></ul><ul><li>What are some of the more mysterious aspects of <em>Ultima 5</em>?</li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>Ankh</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><ul><li>Amulet of Turning</li></ul></li></ul><strong>The Legacy of <em>Ultima 5</em></strong><ul><li>Are there any games that seem — or very obviously are — inspired by <em>Ultima 5</em>?</li></ul><ul><li>How did <em>Ultima 5</em> contribute to the larger mythos of <em>Ultima</em>?</li></ul><ul><li>Some discussion of <em>Ultima V: Lazarus</em> is warranted, given that it is one of the most high-profile — and well-done — <em>Ultima</em> fan remakes of all time.</li></ul><div> <br> <div> <br> <p>Always remember: if you'd like to recommend anyone for a shout-out, send an email to <a href=""></a>...which you can also use to suggest podcast topics, offer commentary or criticism about podcast episodes, and/or to volunteer your time as either an occasional or regular contributor to podcast sessions.</p> <p>As well, if you haven't already, you should totally sign on with the <a href="">Ultima Dragons group on Facebook</a>, or with the <a href="">Ultima Dragons community on Google+</a> . The Facebook group is easily the larger and more lively, but that just means that the Google+ one needs a few more members posting content there on a more regular basis. Also, don't forget to contribute to the <a href="">#udic hashtag</a> if you're on Twitter.</p> <p>As well, please consider <strong>Liking</strong> the <a href="">Facebook page for The Ultima Series</a>, <strong>following</strong> the <a href="">Ultima Codex on Twitter</a>, or encircling the <a href="">Ultima Codex on Google+</a>. And whatever social network you favour, please also consider sharing any content posted to those social media profiles with your own follo</p> </div> </div>