Spam Spam Spam Humbug 9 - The Fall of Astaroth

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Summary: <h4 style="font-weight: normal;">Being an excerpt from the Journal of the Avatar, from the period of history known as “The Warriors of Destiny”.</h4><a id="more-5774501"></a><p style="font-weight: normal;"><a href="">Subscribe on iTunes</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Stitcher</a></p><h4 style="font-weight: normal;">Intro</h4><p style="font-weight: normal;"><em><a href="">Ultima VI Gates of Creation</a></em> by <strong>OC ReMix</strong></p><h4 style="font-weight: normal;">Shout-Outs and New Patrons</h4><p style="font-weight: normal;">Seeing as how this is the first time we'll be thanking new patrons, this is more of a shout-out to everyone who is already supporting the Ultima Codex via Patreon. So big thanks go out to <strong>Stirring Dragon</strong>, <strong>Seth</strong>, <strong>Violation</strong>, <strong>Adam</strong>, <strong>Chris</strong>, <strong>Neil</strong>, <strong>Gabi</strong>, and <strong>Jayson</strong>.</p><h4 style="font-weight: normal;">Podcast Topic(s)</h4><p style="font-weight: normal;"><b style="font-size: 10pt;">Day 24 of the 8th month, 189th year of the Britannian Calendar</b></p><p style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Three days.</span></p><p style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">That was how long it had been since we'd last seen the sun. It half-blinded us as we emerged from the prison caverns of Wrong, and made us trip and stumble over the rocky coast of Lost Hope Bay, yet even so, we were glad for its presence. The aches of the travel-weary, the wounds of battle, they can be soothed by rest or by magic, but there is no balm for the palpably oppressive gloom of the Underworld, except to escape from it - and between Dupre sliding halfway down an underground mountain amid the cacophony of the rockfall clanging against his armor, and a hallway of explosive traps culminating in a fight with four demons, that had been no easy task. </span></p><p style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Yet escape we had, with the Shard of Hatred nestled in my pack, and it was a relief. The six of us each found a perch, taking a moment to catch our breath now that we were back on the surface. The lapping of the waves against the rocks, the steady rise and fall of the waves, was soothing - the only sounds of running water in the Underworld were the roars of waterfalls echoing off the cavern walls. The light fluttering of wings had me tense for a moment until I heard the call that accompanied it and relaxed, reminding myself the sound no longer meant the approach of yet another pack of mongbats and the inevitable fight they brought with them, but that of harmless gulls, or perhaps even an albatross. Compared to the dank and dismal place we had just come out of, this was pure tranquility.</span></p><p style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">But as much as I wanted to sit and savor the scenery, there was still work to be done and my desire to see it finished won out. Reluctantly, I rose. “We've still a job to do,” I told the others. “We make for the Abbey.”</span></p><p style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">And one by one, they rose as well, without complaint.</span></p><p style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">~~~</span></p><p style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Long as it was, the walk through the Deep Forest was refreshing, in a way. Though the thick canopy filtered the sunlight, it was still brighter than the torches we were forced to make use of in the Underworld - and better still, instead of seeing little more than the inky black beyond the glow of the torch, here in the forest we were treated to a display of nearly every shade of green imaginable. Shamino was certainly in better spirits because of it, humming a jaunty - though slightly off-key - tune as we walke</span></p>