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Summary: <h4>Project Britannia II: a new framework to be built by and for the Ultima &amp; SotA fandoms, which intends to become the go-to resource for Ultima &amp; SotA fan projects.</h4><a id="more-5775551"></a><p><a href="">Subscribe on iTunes</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Stitcher</a></p><h4>Intro</h4><p><a href=""><em>Ultima VI Gates of Creation</em></a> by OC ReMix</p><h4>New Patrons and Shout-Outs</h4><p>Firstly, I'd like to give a shout-out to <strong>Cody</strong>, who recently adjusted his Patreon pledge...upward, just to be clear. That was a really cool thing to do; thanks!</p><p>Also, a note of thanks to <strong>Juliet</strong>, who<strong> </strong>sent in the first topic suggestion we've received to date. That's right: thus far, we've thought up all of the things we've talked about ourselves. But she had a great suggestion — she wonders if we'd consider doing an episode on how the <em>Ultima</em> series handles the subject(s?) of masculinity and femininity, and how these are explored in different characters and/or the Virtues. (Note that we're not going to get into that today; it's a great suggestion, but we need a little more time to prepare.) So thanks for that, Juliet!</p><p>(She's also something of a fan of Linguistic's writings, by the way.)<br></p><h4>Podcast Topic(s)</h4><p><strong>Some History: </strong><em>Project Britannia</em> is a name that will most likely ring a bell to any <em>Ultima</em> fan that followed the development of the numerous fan projects which emerged during the first decade of the century. It was born from a technological and artistic collaboration between Team Lazarus (<a href=""><em>Ultima V: Lazarus</em></a>) and Team Archon (<a href="">The <em>Ultima 6 Project</em></a>). Both teams were originally working separately on their respective <em>Ultima</em> remakes, both using the <em>Dungeon Siege</em> engine. Both teams had different strengths, and it became obvious that sharing resources would be the best way to ensure that both projects came to fruition. This led in turn to the birth of <a href=""><em>Project Britannia</em></a>: a wonderful endeavor that aimed to offer a complete set of game systems — and a complete map of Britannia — to use as the technical basis for other <em>Ultima</em> fan projects. And while it never achieved wide use beyond the two projects that helped create it, <em>Project Britannia</em> is what allowed for both <em>Lazarus </em>and the <em>Ultima 6 Project</em> to be completed. If there is a lesson to learn from this, it is that as fans we gain strength from unity and collaborative efforts, rather than by slaving away in our own separate ways.</p><p>Now, as noted, <em>Project Britannia</em> didn't go on to serve as the foundation for any other projects. While early plans for <a href=""><em>Ultima: Return</em></a> (or, as it was known then, <em>Return to the Serpent Isle</em>) toyed with the idea of using <em>Dungeon Siege</em> and the <em>Project Britannia</em> framework, multiple design issues as well as the engine's dated feel and controls led to the decision to create Ultima: Return with the Neverwiner Nights 2 engine instead. Oh, and let's also not forget <em>Dungeon Siege's</em> significant compatibility issues with newer Windows versions, an issue that would only be exacerbated by the fact that <em>Return</em> would take years to develop.</p><p>Another motivating factor in the decision to use NWN2 was the work done by the <a href=""><em>Realms of Ultima</em></a> project, the team behind which was able to design a mind-blowing ship travel system for use in <em>Neverwinter Nights 2</em> modules. <em>Realms of Ultima</em> was intended, from the start, to serve the same purpose as <em>Project Br</em></p>