2017 Oculus Connect 4 CoffeeCast

Rev VR Podcast show

Summary: It's time once again to sit back, relax, and appreciate the time honored tradition of the post Oculus Connect UberCast. For those of you who are new to the tradition, let me explain it. Starting with the first Oculus Connect, we gather as many podcasters, media, and well-known personalities as we can from the VR community and attempt to record a post-expo wrap-up podcast. In the first UberCast, we were fortunate to have the founder of Oculus, Palmer Luckey, drop in and grace us with his presence. Since that first year, we have attempted to keep the tradition going with several regulars, and as many new folks as we can fit into one recordable venue. This podcast has always been an open forum, with no restrictions as to who can participate. We spread the word, pick a spot, and all are welcome. The tradition has grown. We have done an UberCast at several other expos and conventions as well, and it has become a welcome event conclusion for the VR community. We also try to give each UberCast a unique name that represents how, where, or when it was recorded. This year, we have decided to call it the 2017 CoffeeCast, since the 12 of us ended up sipping coffee and eating brunch-style food at a wonderful (and accomodating) coffee shop in San Jose called iJava. We did the best we could to record and edit the audio for you. Consumption of the UberCasts is best done with headphones or earbuds. Hopefully the fidelity of recording so many people in a busy coffee shop does not deter from your enjoyment of the content. A big thanks to everyone involved, and to Oculus for hosting another great VR event to bring us all together yet again.