Episode 556 - 26/10/2017

Aussie Tech Heads SD Video show

Summary: Online reseller MSY Technology fined $750,000 for misrepresenting customer guarantees New malware 'BadRabbit' strain attacks hit Russia, other nations Kaspersky Lab to submit software for third-party review Amaysim launches online devices store, reveals Apple hints at Mac Mini comeback IBM and Australian Open cut ties after two decades Porn-makers challenge Patreon's crowdfunding ban KFC Only Follows 11 People on Twitter, and It's Genius nbn-boss-signals-new-pricing-plans-for-home-broadband-by-christmas honolulu-now-fines-people-up-to-99-for-texting-while-crossing-road amazon-patents-drones-that-recharge-electric-vehicles million-iot-devices-enslaved-by-fast-growing-botnet google-offers-1000-bounties-for-hacking-dropbox-tinder-snapchat-and-others